So my angel has reached the age where discipline has become a necessary theme in our relationship. I am passionately committed to having a child who has good social skills, clear limits and a proper sense of awe for her mother's authority. Unfortunately I gave birth to a dear sweet poppet who is an Aries, with a Taurus rising and a Virgo moon. The kid's got guts. "Stubborn" simply does not describe it. Sure she smiles angelically while she looks her mother in the eye and gleefully defies her, but this is just not cutting the mustard - it may work on Ga-Ga... but Mummy is not falling for it, damn it! Unfortunately I am an Aquarian with Cancer rising and a Pisces moon. You don't get much more airy, watery, soft, gentle, "lets talk about it" than that. So it is taking a super-human effort to be the B-O-S-S. Already "NO" has become relatively meaningless... I have spoken it firmly, shouted it, growled it, and repeated it ad-nauseum. She uses it exceedingly well, but she ignores everyone else's use of it. (perhaps because we frequently ignore her use of it as well...) So I have taken a stand with the day care centre and adopted their words... I figure this will help with consistency, and it will be doubly reinforced, and well, it seems to work better.
Now I just need to find a way to not feel like a joke, and to not use a nasty nasal accent, while I am saying "STOP - I DON'T LIIIIIIKE IT"!
(for anyone who doesn't get it... google Pauline Hanson... or enjoy this video)
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