Wednesday, June 24, 2009

no sex pots around here...

So it seems that I am not sexy :-(
This week I read one of those horoscope specials in a magazine in the airport newsagency. Browsing and reading without paying ($8.20 for a magazine???) I read that aquarians are not usually sex objects - rather they give off an air of detached friendliness...Hmmm
It got me thinking...and I had to agree. I don't think I am sexy! I think perhaps once a upon a time, long long my early 20's I had a sexy stage. But now - I did a bit of a survey of friends and it was confirmed. I am "nice". Gads. Nice. shit.
And I would kind of like to be able to work out how to get myself into some kind of relationship in the future...I'd like find a slightly older bed partner than the one who occasionally finds her way in to my doona at the moment... And how am I to do this if I am not sexy??? By stunning people with my niceness? Bah.
How does one be more sexy? without being tacky I mean... No point in thinking plunging necklines - that is more likely to frighten than attract at the moment. No I think sexy has to be more of an attitude, an air, a poise....
i think i am screwed... way too nice...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Your insights are thought provoking, humorous and fun! Keep the faith!