With remarkably little fanfare compared to last time... Try Two is now commenced...
Its quite fascinating how quickly the bizarre can become normal, how easily the extremely odd becomes routine... Already it feels like "that thing I do once a month"... and apart from the challenge of fleeing the city in fog and rain and Hideous traffic... its all rather smooth and simple this time round...
Not so the process of trying to buy syringe barrels for the doing of the deed... my heavens.... All of the sunshine coast is, I feel, now convinced that I am some sort of really odd drug addict as a result of my pounding the pavements in search of a 1 or 2 ml syringe barrel. Now I look fairly
Turkey basters are starting to look more attractive! After the 5th pharmacy I finally found one that cheerfully gave me a large handful of 3ml syringes...with the needles... Oi vey....
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