So this week was a bit of a scare... nothing like the sight of blood that shouldn't be there to get the ol ticker racing! My inner sensible voice kicked in of course... "its normal"... "all the books say its common"... "it doesn't mean anything bad"... but of course the inner paranoid hormonal freaked out pregnant woman screamed a lot more loudly in moments! I had started to cruise a bit, feel confident and secure and full of the vim of knowing that all the tests and scans had been perfect... and that I had so little sickness that I really had nothing much to complain about... This sure was a wake up call. Of course I called my obstetrition on a sunday while he was on his family holiday...I am sure he just luuuurves those calls! "Its common - rest" he said... "and besides which, there is nothing you can do except go to hospital if it gets really bad." (terribly reassuring...)
And by the fourth day when the red elixar of life was still mocking me I was feeling decidedly less than cheery. Inner sensible voice and inner screaming panic were having an all-in brawl... So I took myself off for accupuncture (spleen 1 to stop bleeding - rub just near the bottom outside corner of your big toe) and then to my chinese medical man...
I have previously found my chinese medical man hugely grounding and reassuring... but today he freaked me out completely by talking about the possible need to go into hospital to be monitored... and I have really learned to loath the term "viable"... a "viable" pregnancy means, of course, that the baby is still alive. So he sent me off for a scan to see if my pregnancy was still "viable" (sound effect - copious weeping of terrified hormonal pregnant woman).
So while drinking a litre of water and "holding on" in readiness for the ultrasound, which
thankfully I managed to book for two hours later, I found time to have screaming spats with twinkle-eyes and my boss within the hour... great! nothing like easing gently into a stressful situation.
Thankfully my dear dear friend emerged from the deep bliss of 10 days of contemplating her abdominals in meditative pose and sent me a text...and then responded to my SOS by rushing over a dose of healing hand holding and gentle loving presence...
AND the scan showed a gorgeous delightful little "viable" bubba... heart pop pop popping away... little arms waving happily at the camera... leaping around like a jellybean on a sugar rush.... and once again - perfect size for her age... 3.8 cms now! Which is exactly the size a 10 week and 3 day old little bundle of love should be...
So despite being totally drained and having a new found respect for this whole pregnancy malarky... All is fine!
And this week in olive land... we grow fingernails! Apparently olive is now starting to resemble an olive left too long behind the fridge as he starts to develop a delightful peach fuzz hair all over...The vital organs - liver, kidneys, intestines, brain, and lungs - are fully formed and functional, and the head is almost half the length of olive's no longer so olive-y body. Olive is apparently happily stretching her limbs, swallowing and kicking about - which I have seen for myself! The external sex organs are just starting to show... but I am told not to expect to be able to see much of them until at least the 16 week scan.
I'm starting to think more seriously about birth planning, midwives, nurseries and loving looking at pictures of prams and cots - though not ready to actually start buying anything yet. But I did get the most wonderful wonderful wonderful package from one of my oldest dear friends - she has recently had her second child and sent me a gorgeous feast of yummy little hats and bibs and jump suits and toys and shoes and sox and all sorts of baby delights!... and bits and bobs for me too...belly oil and bath scents and magazines and books... Ah friends... Love Ya!!