So I cruise along... my days pass in a blur of work and friends and partner and child and "whats for dinner?" and "what can I get done while I don't feel nauseous?"... and mostly I stop and smile in random moments and realise I am pretty happy over all...and I think - wow - how did I get here? Is this my life?
Is this life? I'm not saving the world... but I guess I am living a life... I guess that this is what life is, huh?... do a job, preferably one that has some meaning in it somewhere... get a family and raise them to be as balanced as possible, and spend a significant proportion of time thinking about what is for dinner, cooking dinner, cleaning up after dinner, and writing a shopping list for the next dinner...
Then there is planning what clothes to wear to work, buying bigger waisted clothes to wear to work, remembering to do a load of washing, doing some ironing in the ads of some TV show, or perhaps slumping on the couch watching something stupid on TV because I am too tired to get up and go to bed ...too tired from all the nothingness I busied myself with today.
and then I try to think of something interesting to blog about... the excitement in my week this week is planning to see a movie, nothing life changing, just a movie that will be vaguely more entertaining than slumping in front of the TV.
On some level I know that something profound is happening inside me... I am growing a person...And I feel overwhelmed with the enormity of it often... bloody miracle that it is... but my days are wrapped in such normality... domesticity...
I contemplate months and years spent washing a child's clothes, preparing a child's food, cleaning a child's room, working to pay for a child.... and if I am lucky perhaps doing all the same things for a partner. I realise that this is how many many people pass their lives. And happily... just hoping that nothing will go wrong to change it...
And I know that somehow, someway, somewhere.... I need to find something more... Is this the existential angst of the privileged? Of course it is... millions of people would kill, literally, for this life I have so easily fallen into.... and yet I, from my lofty perch of prosperity... I wonder... is this really all there is? I have just been interviewing women from hideous war torn countries about their intensely awful experiences, and their profound learnings, in escaping from violence and persecution... and I feel strongly that I am betraying these women by not appreciating what I have... and yet somehow... I feel the emptiness anyway....
What could I do? My art used to fulfil me - but now I wonder what on earth is the point of investing hours and days creating a picture to hang on a wall... Meditation - well, that takes more discipline than I can muster at the moment, though of course it would be good for me. Health and Fitness - not really vain enough to care overly as long as my body works ok... not enough to fulfill me on any deeper level... Music - mere entertainment, usually used to stop me from thinking too much... Work - so far I have found that the chances to do something that really makes a difference are few and far between - and they tend to require large sacrifices in other areas of life...its either go to some backwood village in the middle of nowhere and do something that really changes the lives of a handful of people... or its take your place in the machine where even when working for a large humanitarian agency it feels like a weeny teeny fraction of what I do in my day actually makes any difference to anyone's life.
On one level I am happy - I have nothing really to complain about - life is giving me such an abundance of granted wishes....
On another level I am bored stiff.
Wadda ya do.... Wish for a crisis just to stay entertained? Wish things were not so easy and normal so that I could be fighting for something? Wish that I was in some backwoods village staring suffering in the eyes?
I just don't know...
Och life... whats it all about anyway...