So I think I have calmed down enough to string a sentence together now... :-)
So... I'm pregnant it seems :-)
I don't feel any different...except that I have a sore throat and a constant pounding headache and can't take cold and flu tablets any more. Oh and apparently I also can't suck strepsils... gees. And today was my first day without a cup of my super-strong vietnamese coffee to kick start the day... bah.
Not that I am complaining! It doesn't feel real yet. I keep going on with life as normal and then I remember... WOW!
I was so sure that the test was going to be negative... I woke on Saturday morning grumpy about having to wait 2 months for another try... I stumbled off towards the kitchen to get some neurophen for my thumping headache... but decided to detour to the loo first. Oh and while I was there I figured I would do the sodding test - people were waiting for the results after all.... better make it official. SO ... I stuck the strip in and yep, up came that familiar old control line... I forgot to notice the time and wasn't wearing a watch so I thought I would just glare balefully at it for a while, bemoaning the lack of that second blue line.
Faintly it appeared.... I blinked, rubbed my eyes... No... I must be mistaken....
Stronger it appeared.... Was I still asleep? Was I tricking myself? I had imagined this moment so often that when it happened it seemed like I was still in a lingering remembered day-dream....
I walked out of the bathroom and came back....
IT WAS STILL THERE... stronger than before!
I walked out to the kitchen where my housemate was making tea... "Um" I said.... "I think I have a line...." She looked at me as if I was mad, of course....
I paced back to the bathroom and out again.... "I definitely have a line"... HOLY CRAP!!!!!
I was so sure it would be negative....
And so the texting began....
And the dash to the clinic for the blood test to confirm it was really really true...
I burst into tears when I got the call back from the clinic an hour later (the heavens bless them for being so fast!)
And then... well... calls, emails... predictably I couldn't possibly keep it to myself! (Communicate at all costs is the aquarian motto!)
And I smile and gush... but the reality is only skin deep at the moment. Its gonna take some time to wrap my head around the enormous life changing earth shaking reality of the realisation of the thing I have been dreaming, scheming, wanting, hoping, planning for over the last 20 years of my life.
Life will never be the same again....And I am thrilled!!!
BUT - of course.... HUGE fingers crossed for the next 3 months of this awesome journey... and in the mean time - I will be laying on the couch, not lifting anything heavier than a caffeine free-tea cup, rubbing essential oils, supping on organic fruits only, and maintaining inner calm at all times. Yeah....right :-)
Something like that....
Thank you so much to all my wonderful wonderful friends who have showered me with your excited messages and calls. Its so incredible to feel surrounded by your well-wishes...
Stay tuned for the next step in this awesome ride!
x x